My son Emon Bakhatariya was suffering from a very severe infection of his right lung. We belong to Kinshasa, DR-Congo, Africa and I got my son treated with many doctors and also admitted him at two hospitals. However, there was no improvement in his health and things were getting worse day by day. We finally brought our son to Amardeep Children Hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat and my son was treated by Dr. Amar Shah and Dr. Anirudh Shah. Half part of my son’s left lung was destroyed following the bad infection and it needed to be removed.
The surgery was done on my son in January 2015 and like a miracle, he started to become alright immediately after surgery. We were admitted in the hospital for 6 days and I could not believe that my son who had been suffering for almost 20 – 21 days could get well in such a short span of time. Both my family and me are very satisfied with the treatment and we pay our heartiest thanks to the doctors and the hospital staff. We will pray for them all through our life.
Thanks once again.
Mr. Altaf Baghtariya
Kin-Shasa, DR-Conngo, South Africa